Need Health Support
We list all of the major UK charities and health organisations that can help you feel better in not time
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The National Childbirth Trust
Antenatal Classes with the National Childbirth Trust These are small friendly groups for parents expecting babies. You will be with...
Action for ME
AfME was founded primarily as a campaigning Charity (No. 1036419). We are a patient\’ organisation with 8,000 members, largely run...
The Family Heart Association
The Family Heart Association is committed to early detection in the community of families with genetic lipid disorders, those prone...
Action On Pre-Eclampsia
APEC (Action on Pre-eclampsia) APEC was set up in 1991 to raise public and professional awareness of pre-eclamspia, improve care,...
Stop Wasting Your Time With Dentures: All on 4 Cosmetic Dental Implants
Choose an expert team of some of the UK’s most highly experienced All-on-4™ implant surgeons whose expertise ensures all of...
Migraine Action
Migraine Action Association What is the Migraine Action Association? In 1958 the late Peter Wilson became concerned that migraine sufferers...
British Epilepsy Association
One in 180 people in the UK has epilepsy – making it the second most common neurological condition after migraine....
Arthritis Care
Arthritis Care Arthritis Care is the only national voluntary organisation working with and for all people with arthritis. It aims...
Children with Special Needs: In Touch
Contacts and Information Service for Parents of Children with Special Needs IN TOUCH was founded in 1968 to bring together...
The International Glaucoma Association (IGA)
The International Glaucoma Association (IGA) WHO ARE WE? The International Glaucoma Association (IGA) is a charity, formed in 1974, which...
ASBAH (Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus)
ASBAH (Association for Spina Bifida and Hydrocephalus) What we do ASBAH, formed in 1966, works with people with spina bifida...
Eating Disorders Association
This is a national charity (formed in 1989 by the amalgamation of three established eating disorders charities) providing information, help...